Train with Zee

Guinness World Record

I am completing a massive challenge in September, it’s climbing the highest freestanding mountain in the world! Kilimanjaro.

BUT THAT’S NOT IT… because at the top in the crater we are going to take part in an obstacle course and before descending.

There are only 60 people across the world competing in this challenge the Worlds Highest OCR and a Guinness World Record Attempt.

Guinness World Record

“In the Measurement World, We Set Goals and Strive to Achieve it. In the Universe of Possibility, We Set the Context and Let Life Unfold” (Benjamin Zander)

Zee Trails

“To Walk in Nature is to Witness a Thousand Miracles” (Mary Davis)

Self Defence

“Self Defence, Self Confidence, Discipline and Self Control. The Values you Learn are Priceless” (Rickson Gracie)

Guinness world record on Everest base camp


To become the First British Muslim women to achieve a Guinness World Record on Everest Basecamp.

My aim is to inspire people to achieve through adventure and conquer their fears. By overcoming their obstacles and maximise their potential, they can enrich the perception of generations

Zee Trails

World Record

Self Defence

Press Releases

Inspirational women of the year

One Voice Blackburn

Yorkshire Dales rescuers and diversity group Mosaic Outdoors post safety videos

The British Muslim Awards

Pendle Radio Interview

British Muslim Award Finalist

British Muslim Award Finalist

North West Winners 2022

Lancashire Skills Pledge

Guinness World Record 1

Guinness World Record 2

The Guardian

Community Clothing

UCLan University

One Voice (1V Nominees)

Asian Voice

The Altitude Center

Mad Monk TV

Startup info

World’s Highest OCR




Z’s Defence Academy


I am part of Z’s Defence Academy who provides services to the local
community. Our aim is to empower women through sporting activities and
support the most vulnerable in learning self-defence through our courses.

We are advocates for mental health and provide various services as well
as outdoor activities to ultimately boost your confidence, increase
independence and increase resilience. View our website to learn more
about the services we offer and the work we have conducted in the community.